

Business License Guide Video

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Most businesses located within Powhatan County are subject to a Powhatan County business license tax. All Powhatan County business licenses require an annual flat fee of $50. Powhatan County does NOT tax businesses based on gross receipts.

New businesses must obtain all required licenses prior to grossing $3,000 during a calendar year. (Direct-Selling businesses must obtain required licenses prior to grossing $4,000. Out-of-county contractors must obtain required licenses prior to grossing $25,000).

For existing businesses, renewal applications must be filed in the Commissioner of Revenue's Office or postmarked on or before March 1 of each year to avoid a $10 late payment penalty.

请注意, for existing businesses, if the physical address of the business changes, a new application must be submitted to the Office of the Commissioner of Revenue. There is no fee for address changes.

To apply for your license, please perform the following steps in the order in which they are presented.

  • Powhatan County requires every person applying for a business license to ensure that the location for the business be properly zoned for its intended use by such business. Call or visit the Community Development Department (804-598-5621) to find out if your business location is properly zoned for your business activities, especially if you intend to conduct business from your home. Office hours are Monday-Friday, 8:30 a.m.- 5 p.m.
  • Visit the Office of the Clerk of the Circuit Court in the Courthouse (804-598-5660) in person only if you will be operating a business under an assumed or fictitious trade name. A trade name that includes the sole proprietors’ first name initial and full last name does not need to be recorded. A trade name using only an individual’s initials, or any other fictitious name which differs from the actual sole proprietor, 伙伴关系, 有限责任公司, or corporate name must be recorded with the Clerk’s Office. 弗吉尼亚法典第59条.1-74 requires that proof of recordation must be submitted to the Office of the Commissioner of the Revenue before a business license may be issued. A fee must accompany the form at the time of recordation.

承包商只有: Register with the State Board for Contractors, located at 9960 Mayland Drive, Richmond (804-367-8511, www.dpor.维吉尼亚州.政府), if you accept individual contracts of $1,000 or more. 弗吉尼亚法典第54条.1-1111(B) requires that contractors must provide their State Board of Contractors registration number before a license may be issued.

承包商只有: Complete a “Certificate of Workers' Compensation Insurance"   (Form 61A) online. 弗吉尼亚法典第58条.1-3714B(1) prohibits a county from issuing or reissuing a business license to a contractor who has not obtained or is not maintaining worker’s compensation coverage for his employees, if such coverage is required. Questions regarding workers’ compensation coverage requirements should be directed to the Workers’ Compensation Commissioner at 1000 DMV Drive, Richmond (804-367-2071).

Complete the Powhatan County Business License Application and bring the documents listed below to the Office of the Commissioner of the Revenue. Please be sure to bring all applicable items with you when applying.

  • Zoning approval from the Community Development Department
  • Certificate of Assumed Name form filed with the Clerk's Office (if applicable)
  • Statement of Partners form filed with the Clerk's Office (if applicable)
  • Payment (make checks payable to Treasurer, Powhatan County)
  • State Contractor's License or Affidavit of Contractor

All contractors MUST complete Workers' Compensation Form 61A online even if you have less than three employees and/or do not carry Workers' Compensation Insurance.  一旦完成, the acknowledgement letter must be presented to the Commissioner of Revenue's Office for verification. 

For assistance with the business license application or the licensing process, please contact:

Commissioner of Revenue's Office - Deputy Business License Clerk

The Commissioner of Revenue Office is open for visitors during normal business hours (Monday-Friday, 8:30 a.m. 到5点.m.)

Visit the Powhatan County 网站 for the application and other useful documents.